Bring back the old intro cat
Why did you change the intro cat? I liked the old one way better!
Bring back the old intro cat
Why did you change the intro cat? I liked the old one way better!
Doesn't Foreman mean "Subdural hematoma"?
He says "subdermal hematoma", which would be a very roundabout way of saying "a bruise". I'm sure this is not what you intended in your script...a minor error.
Nontheless, good job!
The art and coloring are both good...
...but the song annoys me to no end. I can only give this a five.
Worker and Parasite?
It's clear you were using a mouse to draw and not a tablet. However, you did a good job using only the mouse.
Now, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's going to be wondering WTF this movie is actually about. Really though, its kind of difficult to follow and has a sort of stereotypical Russian humour to it, like Worker and Parasite from the Simpsons.
Piss-poor audio.
The vocal clipping is horrible. Fix it.
Osama bin robocop
So, this to me looked like an al-qaeda vid where robocop was holding superman hostage and demanding that the watchers of the video, presumingly americans, do something concerning the middle east that does not involve tanks and whores.
otherwise its pretty crappy.
I really thought I was going to blam this...
But I was totally surprised.
The animation is ok, the art is passable although I despise stick-art, and the animation is somewhat poor. However, the concepts and atmosphere that you weave into your creation are charming, honestly.
I also really appreciate the perspective change during the falling scene - impressive.
Also, I think that the stickdude, although poorly animated overall, has excellent facial expressions.
Good job. Now buy an Intuos3 tablet and draw out your cartoons. You will do well.
Yeah, it was pretty poorly animated... but thank you for your helpful review and I hope to get an Intuos3 tablet soon, that would make life a lot easier!
Thank you again for being so helpful!! =]
Joined on 4/2/08